tumtum method - Ambassador Training Program for Professionals


Join the tummy time revolution: a solution to the tummy time dilemma that gives parents the tools and skills to work with their babies at home.

The Tumtum Method is a unique program designed to help babies and parents with tummy time at home. The Tumtum Method training for professionals (OTs, PTs, SLPs, etc.) includes one 2-hour live webinar with pediatric physical therapist and inventor of the tumtum wedge, Dr. Mirav Newman, PT, DPT. The two hour webinar consists of a lecture and time for discussion as well as questions. The training program also provides ongoing support from Dr. Mirav for consults and questions, plus support with marketing, a one-hour marketing e-course, license to use the Tumtum Method branding, and your name listed on the tumtum website as a provider.  We can also collaborate to share your Tumtum Method offerings on social media to spread the word. As the tumtum wedge and the tumtum method gain national exposure - so will you!

The training webinar includes details of each curriculum component,  outlines positions and sequencing for each class by week,  reviews normal development, and an update about current  research about tummy time. We follow normal development by  facilitating supine, prone, side-lying, rolling, sitting, and  transitional movements. We also discuss the new torticollis  CPG, container baby syndrome, and the research behind what is  best for babies. Each activity is purposeful and based on evidence and research that will support motor development. Using the tumtum and sending a unit home with each  participant improves your outcomes! Parents love the class, and babies benefit.  

Includes live virtual training, 8 tumtums, curriculum, best practices, troubleshooting, mentorship, marketing assistance.

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Join the tummy time revolution: a solution to the tummy time dilemma that gives parents the tools and skills to work with their babies at home.

The Tumtum Method is a unique program designed to help babies and parents with tummy time at home. The Tumtum Method training for professionals (OTs, PTs, SLPs, etc.) includes one 2-hour live webinar with pediatric physical therapist and inventor of the tumtum wedge, Dr. Mirav Newman, PT, DPT. The two hour webinar consists of a lecture and time for discussion as well as questions. The training program also provides ongoing support from Dr. Mirav for consults and questions, plus support with marketing, a one-hour marketing e-course, license to use the Tumtum Method branding, and your name listed on the tumtum website as a provider.  We can also collaborate to share your Tumtum Method offerings on social media to spread the word. As the tumtum wedge and the tumtum method gain national exposure - so will you!

The training webinar includes details of each curriculum component,  outlines positions and sequencing for each class by week,  reviews normal development, and an update about current  research about tummy time. We follow normal development by  facilitating supine, prone, side-lying, rolling, sitting, and  transitional movements. We also discuss the new torticollis  CPG, container baby syndrome, and the research behind what is  best for babies. Each activity is purposeful and based on evidence and research that will support motor development. Using the tumtum and sending a unit home with each  participant improves your outcomes! Parents love the class, and babies benefit.  

Includes live virtual training, 8 tumtums, curriculum, best practices, troubleshooting, mentorship, marketing assistance.

Join the tummy time revolution: a solution to the tummy time dilemma that gives parents the tools and skills to work with their babies at home.

The Tumtum Method is a unique program designed to help babies and parents with tummy time at home. The Tumtum Method training for professionals (OTs, PTs, SLPs, etc.) includes one 2-hour live webinar with pediatric physical therapist and inventor of the tumtum wedge, Dr. Mirav Newman, PT, DPT. The two hour webinar consists of a lecture and time for discussion as well as questions. The training program also provides ongoing support from Dr. Mirav for consults and questions, plus support with marketing, a one-hour marketing e-course, license to use the Tumtum Method branding, and your name listed on the tumtum website as a provider.  We can also collaborate to share your Tumtum Method offerings on social media to spread the word. As the tumtum wedge and the tumtum method gain national exposure - so will you!

The training webinar includes details of each curriculum component,  outlines positions and sequencing for each class by week,  reviews normal development, and an update about current  research about tummy time. We follow normal development by  facilitating supine, prone, side-lying, rolling, sitting, and  transitional movements. We also discuss the new torticollis  CPG, container baby syndrome, and the research behind what is  best for babies. Each activity is purposeful and based on evidence and research that will support motor development. Using the tumtum and sending a unit home with each  participant improves your outcomes! Parents love the class, and babies benefit.  

Includes live virtual training, 8 tumtums, curriculum, best practices, troubleshooting, mentorship, marketing assistance.